The Original Japanese Experience

If Konami won't do it, I guess I will

Project Goals:
  • Translate each game (in series order) using the English subtitles as a guide

  • Release a patch for anyone with an original copy to play

  • Learn more about the metal gear series, its development, and how the games were packaged together.

For the Ludens...

Metal Gear Solid has been one of the largest influences on my life. From the first time I touched the demo that came with my Playstation, all the way through my adult years following Kojima in all his works, I have loved and cherished this series and my time with it.

But one thing that always bothered me... Watching those Japanese-dubbed preview trailers and not knowing Japanese, I always longed to experience the games as they were on first release in Japan. Although the games are more widely available now (It's super simple to get a copy on eBay), there has yet to be a solid translation effort to experience the game with its original Japanese voice cast, unless of course the script is burned into your brain like mine.

After years of waiting, and now having Konami show their lack of interest for preservation, I felt it's time to make this happen on my own. It is my hope that long time fans of this series who also wished to see the other side of the curtain get a chance to play this again, and enjoy the talent and perspective of the original works, as closely as I can to the original experience.